The new Dairymaster DairyVue360 software platform controls the parlour, allows remote diagnostics and troubleshooting for dealer technicians, and also provides the dairy farmer with a view of everything that is happening in the parlour and collecting yard. It has been developed to create a platform for connecting the entire farm ecosystem into the future.
Key features:
- DairyVue360 is a complete farm management platform, recording, analysing and displaying data for both the equipment and the cows.
- It combines the current milk production data with herd fertility and health and 3rd party data such as milk recording to provide a holistic 360 degree view of the farm operations.
- DairyVue360 takes advantage of the latest connectivity protocols to deliver real-time connectivity to the milking parlour – both on farm, remotely and via mobile.
- It is designed to interface with existing Dairymaster connected equipment and developments in the future.
- DM LiveVue will give the farmer a full picture of everything that is happening in the parlour real-time, from information for the cows entering or leaving the platform and status of cows currently milking, to the camera views at cups off or in the collecting yard.
- The new software platform will facilitate the rollout of connectivity upgrades to all the products in the Dairymaster ecosystem, such as connecting the parlour productivity to your mobile phone, seamlessly integrating external data such as milk recording, and combining milk productivity data with health and fertility data to help the farmer make better decisions for the future of the farm and herd.
- Heard overview & management
- Overall herd performance
- Detailed PERFORMANCE by day and for each animal
- Quickly add and view events for any cow, or many cows simultaneously
- Milking summary BY MILKING SESSION
- Quickly see cows that are set to DIVERT or DRAFT
Full Reports
- You can prioritise metrics important TO YOUR FARM
- Milk flow profiles by milking session
- COMPARE milk let down, peak rate and total milking time
- Comprehensive Feeding Program to ensure feed is targeted to the appropriate cows depending on Yield or BCSSet at Herd or Group level
Reports for groups of animals:
- Permanent drafting
- Scheduled drafting
- Inseminations
- Feeding